Tag Archive for: paint

In life …if you so choose to
You can fuck things up good
Beyond repair
Your own life…a family …your health …a marriage
You name it
There is redemption…it’s a long arduous and difficult journey
A painting
You can’t fuck up …you can scrape all that you did off, back to the bones and start again..
Sometimes what you see on a scraped surface is what you were looking for all along…
Sometimes what you pick up off the floor and throw against the wall is the start of something really special
Redemption is not necessary
There are lessons here

Painting and creating 2 D imagery is a portal to a state of being…to an existence that is different
I feel elevated above the worldly…I go places I would not normally go on roads less travelled. Others utilize the creative act in different
ways but the purity of creating imagery, the creation of an illusion that tells the truth ..the chase , the hunt the ever changing destination
point and submitting to forces greater than those with in you …its and understanding some of us share. Painters are modern day shamans
and what we do is no more noble then the act of picking thru garbage for dinner that evening. It is…. just necessary.